This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,

Steve has kindly agreed to let me tell the list about 6 Fjord mares we are 
trying to place by March.  These mares are from a PMU farm and are being 
pulled off the line as the rancher no longer wishes to have any purebreds, is 
concentrating solely on his crossbreeding program.

These mares are as follows:

Molly, #C-322, White dun.  Born 1985.

Heljo's Starna #C-295.  Brown dun.  Born 1984.

Triangle E's Paula #C-341.  Brown dun.  Born 1985.

Triangle E's Rosa, #C-340.  Brown dun.  Born 1985.

Note, these mares, while registered, were never put in this farmer's name, so 
registration would have to be done by the buyer.

The other two mares age from 7-8, and are out of one of the above girls and 
sired by:

Oswald, #C-321, White Dun, Imported from Germany in 1984.  Not sure what his 
birthdate was as the page is cut off.  His breeder was Dr. Wilhelm Klee.  
Oswald is deceased.

This farmer also stood a registered Fjord by the name of is Buck, #FS2743.  
This stallion was registered with the CFHA but this is a very old 
registration, so do not know exactly which Buck this one is.  However, it is 
very doubtful this is the sire of the above mares as he died quite a few 
years ago.

3 of the mares are bred to one of the following stallion breeds, most of 
which are registered: Quarter Horse, Percheron, Belgian, Paint, Suffolk 
Punch, a purebred Fjord stallion out of one of the above mares and sired by 
Oswald, not registered, and a Fjord cross stallion sired by Oswald.  

All mares are trained to ride and are gentle and have kind dispositions.  All 
are desperately in need of an adoptive home.  One of the younger mares is 
blind in one eye due to an injury.

If adopted in Canada, meaning no paperwork needed to cross the US border, the 
adoption fees would be $1603 plus transport.  If brought into the states, the 
adoption fee would be $2000 plus transport from the holding facility either 
in WI or MI.

Please email me privately if interested in either adopting or helping us to 
bring in these mares.  Also, to avoid the discussion of volatile subjects on 
this list, remember we do have a Fjord list designated for this purpose.

Thanks much,

Lynda C. Welch
President, Equine Managed Foal and Breed Specific Division
Norwegian Fjord Representative
United Equine Foundation

UEF Fjord rescue email group: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjords 
Quality Fjords--Equine Transportation--Hand-braided Tack & Accessories
White Cloud, MI

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