This message is from: "fjordcountry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

May I begin by saying that I never said don't de-worm your horse.  Mine are on
a regular program but using natural de-wormers.  I choose not to vaccinate
because I do believe there is allot of harm from vaccines.  As an example, I
have worked on "many" horses and ponies that had a bad reaction to
vaccinations that ultimately caused mild to severe laminitis.  It was not one
or two cases but many I saw over the years in many breeds of horses and
ponies.  I use supplements, therapeutic grade essential oils, non processed
feeds, organically grown hay as well as other means of health care.  This by
no means makes me a third world, don't give a bleep about my horses,
ignoramus.  And it certainly doesn't make me an expert on anything either, I
do choose to look into things before pumping myself or my beloved animals full
of anything (read the labels, what is all that stuff?).  Also, I am very pro
veterinarian for making diagnoses and treating at times with medicines, having
worked closely with many knowledgeable ones.  I never said I knew everything
about cushings, only that there seems to be such an increase in the disease as
many vets are calling it.  I have heard other reports from vets that say there
is no such disease in horses.  You guys fight it out, I'm just saying that by
cleansing the system of chemicals absorbed from the environment, as well as
all the "junk" I once put on and in my self and my animals and then supporting
the immune system I have very healthy, hardy horses and my husband likes me
allot better too!!  Thank God for diversity and to each his "happy own".
Rock'n Kathi    p.s.  check out the Libby results from 2002 and you'll see my
fjord can't be too sickly and neglected, ha ha!

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