This message is from: "Tekin Family" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well said Judy   I moved from conn. to western mass 5 yrs ago and see a huge
income drop and that is why we were also able to purchase an old farm house
with l2 acres once a trotter farm and dobie kennel breeders.  Also the
reason why I didn't purchase a fjord from Carol.   Linda in lanesboro ma
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: fjordhorse-digest V2003 #27

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi Everyone.
> I just want to add my two cents into Carol's comment in the last post and
in previous posts. BDF has several high quality colts for sale and Carol
wonders why there is not more interest in them. And I know why. It is not
because we don't agree that they quality stallion prospects and are gorgeous
colts, I have seen the pictures... it is the price that puts them out of
reach for so many breeders.
> I just moved to eastern Washington from Connecticut 2 years ago. The one
biggest difference I have found between the 2 areas ( e.g. New England, New
York and the inland Pacific Northwest) is average annual income. You can
look up the numbers yourself. Most people here are blue collar, farmers,
ranchers who do not have a professional income. We cannot afford to spend
$6500 on a truck, never mind on a horse !! And we cannot afford charging
more than $500 for a stud fee. We are simple people, living simple lives..
and like it that way, thank you.
> I think that the New York, New England area is living in rarified air.
Most people do not have, and think it is almost obscene to spend that kind
of money on a horse.
> This is just my opinion and offers to Carol a reason why there may not be
more interest in such high priced, albeit high quality Fjords. Some people
back east take pride in driving expensive trucks and cars ( and having
expensive horses). Out here we brag on how little we paid for our rigs ( and
the less we paid the more admiration we receive). A bit of a paradign shift.
Being from both worlds, I see it very clearly.
> This is just my opinion and I in no way mean any disrespect for anyone's
way of life. There is room for all of us.
> Best Regards,
> Judy Phelps
> Echo Valley Fjords
> Chelan, Wa.

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