This message is from: "John D. Herr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I see others have posted the web site. I have used these boots for several
years and I like them. I have never been able to get easy boots on properly.
The Old Macs are easy. The durability is good.
                Good luck, John D Herr
                                Starrborough Farm

-----Original Message-----
From:   Monica Spencer [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Saturday, January 25, 2003 12:22 PM

This message is from: "Monica Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Linda in MN said:

> >John - I have not hear of OLD MAC boots - where do I find them?

Carol M said:

> What is the difference between OLD MACS and easy
> boots?  I am always concerned with the easy boots chafing the heel with
> lots of use.

There's a lot of stuff about Old Macs boots on the internet - a quick search
will net you a bunch of information.  But for starters, you can go here:

I've been using Old Macs for a year and a half now and I love them.  So does
everyone else I know who uses them.  They are all the rage these days among
barefoot folks.  Unlike Easy Boots, they do not clamp tightly onto the hoof
and they do not chafe the heel.  They're easy to use, they do not come off -
ever - and they provide more protection to the hoof than steel shoes do (the
bottom of them is like work boot tread - with a set of four boots on, a
horse can even do fast work on chunky rocks).  Occasionally the pastern
strap of the Old Macs will rub the back of the pastern; usually this is
because it's been done up too tightly (if you can slip your finger beneath
this strap you should be fine).  I often use socks with my Old Macs,
especially on my mare who twists her feet ever so slightly as she moves - I
cut the feet out of the socks use them to provide protection to the pastern.
This eliminates any rubbing and looks very cute, too.  You do need to
carefully choose the right size of boot for the horse.

Monica in Nelson, BC

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