This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for sharing your joy with us, THAT is exactly what I personally love to
hear, someone found THEIR fjord, and are giving him lots of attention, and
also great to hear you will work with a trainer to further both your
experiences.   Just a delightful story.  Lucky Olaf to get a owner like

In response to Catherine's post on sellers and buyers, - I think you are
right!!!  There is really something to the "know how" to market that gets
fjords sold, and more often than not, there will be wonderful people and
horses like Olaf and Jeanne that will be the right combo of seller, buyer,
horse, priceetc.  The $ does not matter much to a buyer if it is a great fit,
that seems to be true these days.   They want THAT horse, and if they have
spent lots of time searching, they will pay the deserving price.  Communicate,
communicate communicate and if you do not have the right fit for the buyer,
pass them on to someone who do.   I have had many calls since our expo last
week for mature fjords, - well, I only have a weanling for sale, and tho
great, that is not what these people want.  (shoot), so I have sent them on to
others!!  I do however agree with Carol R. that starting out with a weanling
will do you great service in the end, as ALL horses have a history to deal
with.  It's kinda like "do you want to adopt a 16 year old teen or a newborn
baby?"  Daaa.

OK, enough from here.

Janne in ND where it is "only" 25 below this am.  How is Alaska Jean???

Just a great story of someone who did their research!!!!

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