This message is from: "Deb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As I am reading all these posts, including mine, they seem more passionate,
more pointed, more important than at other times when I have read posts.

I had a picture conjure up in my mind of Fjords all over the world. Some
were in the fields pulling plows. Some were taking hay to market. Some were
riding through mountains on trails with gorgeous views. Some were working in
arenas doing dressage work. Some were just enjoying their people. Every
where Fjords were doing something.

Then I saw them turn to each other, remember this is in my imagination :-),
and shrug their shoulders wondering what all the commotion was about. Then
they each went back to doing what they were doing with no other thought than
to please their owner and looking forward to their next meal. (looking
forward to the next meal may have been top priority!)

I couldn't help but wonder if the current state of world affairs and current
economic conditions through out the world weren't in some way contributing
to the increase in our recent intensity on this message board.

Of course this is all a theory and perhaps it only may apply to me. I just
thought it was interesting and food for thought. Having shared that thought
I think I will go outside and hug on Lars for awhile. I just love getting
lost in his furry coat and smelling him.


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