This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am responding the Ursula's message about the Fjord Herald.  My copy has not 
arrived yet, but I am concerned with the passages Ursula Jensen quoted.

I was appalled with the survey last year.  It violated most tenants of survey 
design including lack of confidentiality, compound questions, and jargon.  
Worse yet, it is my understanding that the data was tabulated in separate 
sets by Board members.  Unless they had a key and someone supervising the 
input questions, I suspect their input is flawed, too.  It's totally 
ludicrous to claim any statistical validity at all for the membership survey. 
 I sent a long letter to the Board about the design and expressed my profound 
hopes that NO policy decision would be based on this horribly flawed 

Both my husband and I work with surveys for a living.  Surveys are helpful, 
but they have inherent limitations.  I know the Board will be considering 
doing a breeders survey and I support that initiative.  It would be helpful 
to know more about the collective experience we have breeding Fjords by live 
cover, transported semen and frozen semen.  But I would hardly suggest that 
Board policy of any kind should be based on the results of that survey should 
it occur.

The Board is getting ready to meet next weekend.  My suggestion to interested 
members is that you contact Board members prior to the meeting and express 
your thoughts about the last membership survey as well as the part surveys 
should play in Board policy.  

Margaret Bogie
Ironwood Farm

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