This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I found this on the Hafi List today and felt compelled to share it
because it makes such a powerful statement on how NOT to promote Fjords: From
Karen in CT: A few years ago I considered purchasing a ...Fjord/QH
cross.  I was very excited...although it didn't work out and innocently
mentioned it to a Fjord person at the Equine Affair.  She was so
offensive and rude.  I felt like I had been slapped in the face.  I
hadn't purposely bred the horse, but just considering the purchase seemed
to be a crime punishable by death.  Apparently in her opinion this cross
should have never happened and if the Fjord registry ever found out about
it, well ----You can imagine how offended I was and it somewhat turned me
away from inqujiring further about the Fjord breed...." Perhaps if the
Fjord person had been more tactful Karen would now have a Fjord instead
of a Hafi.  And even if her Hafi doesn't work out for her, I'm sure she
will never consider a Fjord because of this person's rudeness.  A more
tactful response would be something like, "We really prefer purebreds
because of all the wonderful qualities for which they have been
selectively bred for thousands of years in Norway, but there can be a
place for crossbreds" and then proceeded to describe the
characteristics.  After all, saying "can be a place" is not advocating
crossbreeding, but recognizing that for some this might be desireable. With
the dog-eat-dog competition among the breeds in the US and so few Fjords
it would appear to me that Fjord people cannot afford to alienate a
potential convert by this type of behavior.  The next time one of you
meets someone like Karen please be tactful and think of the consequences
of your response.  Thank you. Linda in Reichelsheim where we have snow
now and it is very cold


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