This message is from: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

We're especially looking forward to our 12th year of Beginner Driving
Vacations.  We're particularly excited this year as we're making a few
changes to enhance the program and also to provide something new, different,
and more challenging for our many returning guests.  And, to be honest,
after 11 years doing the same things for ten weeks each summer . . . "we"
(staff and horses) really need a change!

In the past, we've based our course on the sport of Combined Driving.  But .
. .

This season, we'll be offering Pleasure Driving during four weeks of the
We'll demonstrate and discuss proper Turnout for pleasure shows, and the
driving lessons will focus on Pleasure ring classes and Pleasure obstacle
classes.  Pleasure Driving shows are beautiful and elegant and keep alive
the old traditions of driving with great attention to detail in
everything ---  the suitability of the horse to the vehicle --- the
suitability of the harness to the horse and vehicle ---  the coordination
and appropriatness of the whip's (driver's) outfit --- to the manners, way
of going, and suitability of the horse to pleasure driving.    We're very
much looking forward to this addition to our program.  It promises to be a
lot of fun for guests and staff alike.

The four weeks out of the summer that we'll be doing Pleasure Driving will
differ in one other respect, in that we will not be offering our gourmet
lunches, and the price of the course will reflect that with a reduction of
$100.  --  The beautiful university town of Antigonish, 12 min. from the
farm, has many charming places to lunch.  Everything from the gourmet
Gabrieu's Bistrot and the gourmet restaurant at Silver Glen Art Center,  to
the kooky and somewhat "hippy" (everybody of all ages and political
persuasions welcome) B2G Cafe.  --  In addition, there are all kinds of
other places from Chinese to typical Nova Scotian.

  The other weeks, the four-day course will be based on Combined Driving as
usual, but this year we'll offer "slightly more advanced" instruction for
returning guests and for those with some driving experience.  This means
that those "slightly more advanced" student/guests will be driving
Preliminary dressage tests, rather than Training Level,  and longer, a
little more challenging cones courses.

Another addition to our regular program will be Longlining Lessons.  We've
done this on a limited scale for the past two years, and during this time
we've become more interested and more impressed with all the benefits and
possibilities of longlining.  And, we find our guests share our enthusiasm.
Therefore, in 2003, we'll be offering more in depth longlining lessons to
those who'd like to trade some driving time for this valuable ground
ork.  --  For those who want to have it all, abbreviated lessons  longlining
will be available afternoons as we've done in the past..

For those interested in renting the "Charming Cottage" right here on the
farm, please know that it rents very early each season, and as of now,
several weeks are already taken.  ----  However, there are many many really
nice accomodations only 15 min. from the farm including the Sea'Scape
Cottages which are small housekeeping cottages set on a bluff overlooking
one of the most gorgeous scenes anywhere in the world.  Also, many Bed &
Breakfasts, motels, and a nice, old inn.

We hope you'll join us this year.  We've got some spectacular Fjordhorses to
teach you pleasurably and safely.   And, as usual, we'll have a great
international staff as well as several local young people who work really
hard to see our guests have the time of their lives at BDF in Nova Scotia.

Come to Nova Scotia and SEA for yourself why Money Magazine and CNN said
"Nova Scotia is one of the 12 Perfect Places in North America to spend a
Holiday . . . Like an even more picturesque New England without the mass

Or, come and SEA for yourself why one of last year's guests said after our
Wednesday afternoon Beach Party with horses   . . . "You've made a dream
come true."

Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7
Pomquet, Nova Scotia B2G 2L4
Tel:(902) 386-2304
Fax:(902) 386-2149
Carole Rivoire, author of THE FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK,
only book in English on the Fjord breed, available from Beaver Dam Farm,
$36.95 US includes P&H

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