This message is from: "sheri kane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello fjord friends,
    Sheri and Red here in Wisconsin.  We are now at a hunter/jumper/dressage
barn in Elkhart Lake Wis. Red is age 5+, 6 in May, we are starting some
dressage lessons.  Most of the horses where we ride with are 17+ hands tall
in this barn. Our very talented trainer Julie is new to fjords.  She is also
helping us to get going in dressage driving, what fun!! The people at our
barn can't believe that Red can stand for any length of time standing
alone,,, almost, without moving a foot.  Julie says that he is a very smart
horse with a sense of humor and very willing to please.  I took the advise
of you fjord people and didnt work Red until he matured.  I have
riden/driven him for short times, mostly out of doors in many different
locations.  I wanted first to be mind safe and calm with new things which he
    Julie hopes to have the barn represented in the local 4th of July parade
this year and has asked Red and I to drive a cart with them.  Red has helped
our "special people" at the REINS therapeutic riding/driving program for 2
years and is loved by a few people there. Our first driver in the program
was John, he has downs syndrome and was too heavy to continue to ride
horses.  The driving program was designed for a guy like him.  John's dream
was to drive a horse in a parade,,,,, guess what...... I hope to have John
drive in the parade also.
    I want to thank you for suggesting that I wait to "work"  Red till he
was more mature.  I sometimes questioned if I would have a lazy, no work
ethic type horse if I waited too long.  I did ride and drive him,,, don't
get me wrong.  I just didn't "work" him.  Red is my best buddy and he loves
kids, animals and doing new things.  As we start our more serious lessons he
is alittle more "work" for me, but he is very willing and always there for
me. He is at least 15 hands tall and slightly portly.   I was once told that
fjords are the golden retriever of the horse world, I would totally agree.
He is very people oriented and calm as a kitten.
    I read the digest/list every day and I want to thank all of you for your
helpful advise.  Red is my first fjord, but haved owened more than a few
other breeds.  I will stick with the fjord!!!

Sheri and Redford,,,,,,,,,, Red,,fjord

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