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        Just thought I would try to answer the question about rental
horses and fearful riders. I have not had the luck to go on any extended
rides, but have been on lots of 1/2 day rides in a lot of different
countries and states, Colorado, Hawaii, England, Bermuda, and Australia
and others.
        I think it is always hard and nerve wracking to get on a strange
horse, but I have not had one bad experience in all of our rides. These
have been groups of just us, to about 10 people, and I always have lots
of worries. What if I have to go to the bathroom? What if the horse is
too much, too dull, and so on. Now that I have arthritic knees, I am
worried about getting on too! Because I am a heavy person, they always
give me the tallest horse they have. In Australia last winter it was a
16.3hh ex race horse! I asked it they had a nice large mounting block
(most places have great ones) and the young girl said, Oh no, mate, we
use a milk carton. Yikes I thought, but turns out the Australian milk
cartons are twice as high as ours so it worked fine!
        I have found the horses to be if anything, more quiet than mine
at home. And I am an intermediate rider, at best. The people running
these things have seen it all, and are usually good humored and very
knowledgeable. They will listen to your worries and do the best to get
you the right horse. Then you go out on a nice scenic trail on a sure
footed horse who has done it all before. I have seen canyons and
pineapple fields and beaches and trees full of cockatoos. It is always
great fun. Be sure you talk to the guides; they are always leading a life
completely different than yours and are full of stories.
        Good luck, and have fun. Tell us about it when you get back.

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