This message is from: "John Bosomworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to comment on and correct the following  statement:
<<<When I went to buy Finne from
the Bosomworth's I was warned in advance to not bring any
dogs with me since the horses would gladly chase
anything that wasn't 'their' dog.>>>

On one occasion, when a couple brought their little dog into the horse
pasture with them, Finne did chase it.   It looked like a little fox ---  so
he being the "self-appointed guardian"  of the yearling fjords decided that
this "predator" did not belong.

Since then we have simply asked anyone visiting our farm to please not bring
their dogs into the pastures with the horses.

Our fjords are very calm and DO NOT  "gladly chase everything that isn't our

Eunice Bosomworth
Deere Country Fjords  ---- where visitors are always welcome!

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