This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am reluctantly posting our wooden cart for sale. It has been  reinforced
to handle rough terrain and is in great shape. We have used it for many
years and have always competed well with it. It suits and fits Fjords and is
available for viewing on our website. There are several pictures on the Show
Season page and several on the Stallion page (Raynor's highlighted page)
For those seriously interested, I can forward other pictures.....$1500 US
I am looking to buy a Bennington Gig for competition...even thought I'm
reluctant to change since we have always done well with this cart. Many of
you will have seen it at Libby.

If there are any collectors on this List...I have a turn of the century
wicker Governess Buggy (from Quebec) that fits our Fjords. It is cuter than
the dickens with a fully restored basket. I take it out a few times each
summer for a leisurely stroll down Trinity Valley Road . It is suitable for
recreational driving......$1500
Post to me privately if you are interested......uj
Ursula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

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