This message is from: "Skeels, Mark A (MED)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just a reminder, it's time once again to check the floor of your horse

I just got done replacing mine as it was rotton. Last summer I was
taking a horse to get trained and the horse went thru the floor, thank
goodness the
vehicle was stopped and just put it into reverse and I saw the horse go
down. Horse didn't get hurt.

This was a result of carpenter ant's living in the wood as well as the
rubber mat's not being lifted after use.

Sooooo, if you have a wooden floor trailer and haven't checked it
lately, or have rubber mat's and don't lift them between uses, it may be
well worth checking.
It cost $200 for white oak rough cut 2x10/s to cover 14 foot of floor
surface on a 17 foot trailer. The 3 foot front storage portion I just
used pine.

Just a friendly reminder. Mark Skeels

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