This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have already trace clipped Tank on his chest,
shoulders, and where the harness saddle and girth go.
I am thinking about clipping his flank area as he
seems to sweat there. I have a picture of Tank trace
clipped more thoroughly for the AZ CDE last March.
It's at -  member name, cmadden.
Look under the AZ CDE. It's the 3rd picture from the

He already has a fairly woolly coat (his first winter
coat, not his second longer coat)and the temps range
from 50 at night to high 80's during the day right
now. I clipped him as he was growing out with my dog
clippers but I think I will have to invest in a set of
heavier clippers or bug my neighbor again. 

I only scissor clip Tank's goat hairs and do a bridle
path, plus trim his mane. Sometimes before a show, I
will trim his ears on the outside to neaten them up a
little but I never clip inside his ears. I do give his
tail a dressage type trim which is allowed. I like the
way it looks. I leave feathers as is, but may trim a
little above the knees for a slightly improved look.
The breed standard calls for leaving them pretty
natural. I will clean his hooves, but I don't polish
them. I know some people who show primarily in open
carriage driving competition and other open shows, do
somewhat fancier trim & polish jobs because they
believe it makes them more competitive with the other
breeds. I believe as Fjords have become more common in
open competition that some judges are learning the
breed standard and not being so critical.

Linda, coming from the Morgan world, I can understand
your shock, but Fjords are a little bit more au
natural than Morgan show people can stand. It's all
part of their charm. Welcome to Fjords!!

BTW, I just got my Herald and see that NFHR has a
grooming tape out for $20. Has anyone seen it yet?
Please provide a review if you have.

I attended Beth & Sandy's fun day and it was too much 
fun. Just look at my picture in jousting to see how
much I was concentraing on keeping that d!!! coit from
falling off my lance (aka noodle)! Thanks so much to
Sue North for letting me monopolize Heidi all day. It
was nice to meet so many Fjord people and their
horses. Beth and Sandy are the best! Thanks also to
Sue Clark-Sorger for providing me with the ride there
from Albuquerque. Beth did a beautiful job in training
Sue's mare, Heather, for driving. Kez looks great and
is happily reunited with his Mom, Sue, again.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
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