This message is from: "DT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Steve, where is the web site with the WNV information? Where did the other
fellow on the list hear that the vaccine only lasted for 6 months. Is it
because the vaccine hasn't been around long enough or tested enough to
produce specific results to make definitive answers? If I knew that the
vaccine would help and not cause harm to the horses I would most likely give
it. At this point, with the contradicting statements from various vets and
folks I am really confused.

I believe in taking the best care of my animals as I can. I also know that
many folks, vets and doctors included, believe some sort of medicine is the
answer to everything, look at antibiotics and what is happening now with the
over use. Please, I am not trying to cause trouble or say anyone is doing
something wrong. I was just hoping for a definitive answer.

 I know, I know the practice of medicine is just
that................practice. I have been around and seen enough to know
that lots of good things go on and so does lots of misinformation. I am a
registered nurse and have been in nursing for over 23 years.

Jean you may be correct that horses coming and going around your horses may
have nothing to do with the WNV. However, if your horse is infected and a
mosquito bites that horse what is the window period for that mosquito to
become a carrier from that horse? Or is the horse the end? That is another
area of discussion that seems to have contradictory answers. Some folks are
saying that the end hosts are humans and horses. Some folks say not. I heard
that a dog died from it the other day?????? Who knows????

Confused but wanting to know the truth,



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