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       You caught me.....I have a Flyer, and a couple of others, too.  Anyone 
want to buy a beautiful restored (black with royal pinstriping) road about an Albany cutter?  Fully restored, too, with original 
sleigh bells on the shafts.  Both restored by A&D Buggy Shop in Ohio, 
premiere carriage restorers.  Have my eye on a different starter 2-wheeler 
for my young Nattmann.  Need to sell a couple of things before I can buy this 
other vehicle I want to go with my Fjord!!!!!  Truly, have these 2 nifty 
vehicles for sale!  No, we don't have snow here in the Central San Joaquin 
Valley in CA.
       Yes, Karen, 2-wheels are great for starting.......I was thinking of 
end product and sort of skipped a couple steps in my recommendation of a 
driving vehicle.  Can't wait to see Nattmann pulling my Flyer!!!!!  (Noise 
and all.....but it IT a VERY cushy ride!!!!)  Not as noisy as the big hitch 
       Turlock......same weekend as the Shady Oaks CDE.  Hmmm.......I already 
miss the "exciting" day on Saturday, (soccer with the kids & leadline trail), 
and all their great hazards.  Will get to watch driven dressage on 
Friday....gotta figure out how to sign up for leadline while I am up in 
Lodi!!!  OK, so that leaves cones on Sunday.......or Turlock driving 
classes.......will probably stick around and help .... see? hand is 
raised!!  Actually, it would be fun getting more involved in the local 
Stuff.....and I DO so love the driving!!!!!
                         Carole Sweet

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