This message is from: "Bill/Liz/Katy/Charlie/Arne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I love the name Yggdrasil!! I tried to convince Ceacy (Henderson) to name
one of her foals that, but she wouldn't listen. :( She said she didn't think
anyone would be able to pronounce it! haha, maybe she's right, but it's a
wonderful Norwegian name! The first time I saw it, in an Agatha Christie
mystery, I had no idea about Norwegian mythology...took me a while to figure
out the name...

Katy Andersen + Jon

----- Original Message -----
From: "fjordhorse-digest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 9:30 AM
Subject: fjordhorse-digest V2002 #208

> fjordhorse-digest     Sunday, September 8 2002     Volume 2002 : Number
> In this issue:
>        Color
>        Re: Fuzzy coats
>        Wolf Teeth -- V and R meet the dentist
>        Congrats, Grass and Feed, Gayle Ware
>        Color
>        Re: Color
>        Fjord stuff
>        saddles
>        Shetlands
>        Re: Shetlands
>        Re: Fjord stuff
> See the end of the digest for information on how to retrieve back issues.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 21:42:34 -0700
> From: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Color
> This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi again -
> Lauren, I know beans about paints, but it appears that Karen has answered
> your question. To all, I recommend Sponenberg's books on Equine Color
> Genetics. There is also one called Horse Color Explained by Jeanette
> Randi - on the basis of the information given, 25% is your chance of
> grey. Comments, Lori?
> Karen - BB to BB, Bb, or bb is your only guarantee of grey phenotype. Help
> me out here, Lori, I think I've fallen into the deep end of the gene pool
> and I can't get out.....
> Jamie - See above - I'll try to clear my head and be more helpful
> I'm just back from two weeks at Julie's and not at my best.
> As far as shagginess is concerned, our small sample of [one] stallion is
> less shaggy than the brown mares, about the same as the grey girls, so I
> have attributed the difference to color, but it could be inheritance,
> they were raised, who knows? At least it's not diet, because we don't
> discriminate on the basis of color here.... They all dine at the same
> counter.
> Bye - Peg
> Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2002 23:29:35 -0600
> From: Alison Bakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Fuzzy coats
> This message is from: Alison Bakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I have noticed that my stallion Anvil's Borgen keeps a fairly short coat
> compared to the geldings and most of the mares.  I agree with that
> nutrition plays an important role in the coat.  Some horse just seem to
> get longer coats than others.
> Alison  Bakken
> Sundre, Alberta  Cool days and nights just above freezing.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 08:26:47 -0400
> From: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Wolf Teeth -- V and R meet the dentist
> This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well .. realizing I had to get the vet back to fill out yet another
> form for Yggdrasil (!) (it's Emigrate for those leaving and Immigrate for
> arriving, right?), and in anticipation of their start in training this
> yesterday we did the deed and turned the barn into a dental surgery for
> (2) and Rannild (3) .. and it took forever.   My husband retreated to the
> to avoid listening to the groans of by now heavily sedated V, and the
> ..too much empathy.  We started on her with half the normal dose as I have
> accounts of how fjords are more sensitive to anaesthetics (?) and remember
> Nfld. dog that nearly died when we had to sedate him to remove porcupine
> (his partner in crime, a black lab, and 1/2 the weight, took 3 times the
> and was still growling at us) .
> It took well over an hour to loosen V's and get them out .. one was quite
> the other small .. the vet thought it was easier when they are a older and
> teeth have come in to dislodge them?  Rannild's were both small and came
out in
> about 20 minutes and we were all sweating .. even us humans w/o the drugs
in our
> systems.  Not a pleasant process but I am convinced it is important to do,
> avoid potential problems with bitting/driving, etc. in future.  We will
> them 3-4 days to heal up and then they're off to the trainer to be started
so I
> can drive them both next spring.
> By the way, all my current driving horses are bred to Felix (heads up
> interested in a Bragda/Felix baby, or one from Soleia or Tunica
> and Brusvein/Solar grandsires).  We have had 100% success with live cover
> year within the Felix Group and are all looking forward to a good crop
> year.
> Back on topic .. my vet believes that wolf teeth are much more common in
> .. but said she sees them fairly often in thoroughbreds too -- I guess we
> to define "fairly often" -- that works against your theory, Karen, which
> immediate resonance for me .. but I'm not going to give up .. I'll just
> taking a poll of people I know with other breeds to see what they have to
> I guess it could be done online through other chat lines to see what comes
up ..
> or to ask more vets .. but it is an interesting topic for me.
> Gotta go and relieve poor Bragda who is waiting patiently for me to let
> rejoin Yggdrasil for his morning feed .. we're weaning him and this is
> stage where I empathise with the horse, based on personal experience!
> Cheryl
> Where the grass is just about nonexistent and even the leaves on the trees
> showing the effects of the drought.
> ps.  My husband (who has a need to work work work) has just finished
building a
> 5 ft high, 2 ft wide stone wall, built of stones we find in large piles
> the property, cairns left by pioneers who tried (unsuccessfully) to farm
> rocky soil .. as a new paddock, which he has done w/o the aid of a front
> loader .. just a crowbar and a trailer and lots of cuts and bruises .. and
> think how odd to be doing this, in the age of nylon electric/solar
fencers, etc.
> .. a little like the woodstove and the microwave in the kitchen .. two
ends of
> the spectrum .. anyone else out there building stone walls a la pioneer?
> ps 2   Last week, when one section was only 4 feet high, two neighbours
> by on horseback and Rannild, Tunica and V all popped over it easily to
visit the
> newcomers (!) .. just ticking the top lightly  .. I think that was a first
> for all of them .. so they can do it, can't they?!
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2002 13:30:04 +0000
> From: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Congrats, Grass and Feed, Gayle Ware
> This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Robin, I have seen horse people help each other out all the time I have
> had horses, but your offer to ship Dagrun your saddle for her to use in
> the show is undoubtedly the most generous thing I have ever seen in 23
> years. I congratulate you on your spirit of friendship and help of the
> highest level. Are Fjord people more helpful than others? It would
> certainly seem that way. I was interested to read about many of you
> giving grain and rice bran to your Fjords over there. Herr Eitenmüller
> told me in the Odenwald the Fjords are on pasture in the spring, summer
> and fall, then when they are in the stall in the winter, they are given
> only hay and no grain. Grain is used only if the horse is worked hard at
> the trot and canter for 2 hours a day or more, but not given when the
> horse is used for pleasure riding an hour or so a day. We have lush
> pastures here and the farmers bale excellent hay in the summer for winter
> use and this is what the Fjords get here. I will have to ask Herr E how
> to keep Rikka's coat shiny without grain or corn oil. Gayle Ware, Jean
> Gayle suggested I contact you. I want to take Rikka western and have
> some questions about the headset and way of going at the jog and lope and
> collection. If you have time, please contact me. Grüßen für Alles aus
> der Odenwald, Linda
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Click Here
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2002 07:39:57 -0700
> From: "Andy Mayberry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Color
> This message is from: "Andy Mayberry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You color experts, please give me a quick summary of the number of genes
> alleles (as well as which is dominant over which) that determine color in
> fjord horses. If there is a particular website that explains the
> of color, please let me know. I've found a couple that talk about the
> different colors there are, but they really don't discuss the genetics.
> Thanks.
> Andy
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2002 06:55:00 -0800
> From: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Color
> This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Andy,
> go to the NFHR website and click on the "Texts and Forms" section, ( you
> have to first click on the "rules, etc. sections and look at the bottom
> the link).  But here is the link to these pages:
> Scroll to the bottom of the documents page and you will see the two part
> article by Dr.Phil Sponeneberg which gives the best ( I think) info on the
> Genetics of color in Fjordhorses.
> "Color in Fjord Horses"
>   by D. Phillip Sponenberg,
>          DVM, PhD
> I don't kknow if Dr. Sponenberg has a website, but his book, EQUINE COLOR
> GENETICS is, in my opinion, the best reference.
> Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, grey and wet, Geese and cranes flying south.
> Thousands of geese in town!
>  If there is a particular website that explains the *genetics*
> >of color, please let me know. I've found a couple that talk about the
> >different colors there are, but they really don't discuss the genetics.
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >Andy
> ************************************************************
> Jean Ernest
> Fairbanks, Alaska
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 17:50:06 -0400
> From: "Reena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Fjord stuff
> This message is from: "Reena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Went to the Michigan Renaissance Festival today and at one of the booths
> they had coins from around the world which had the pictures (on the coins)
> cut out and made into a pendant....pretty cool looking!!!  Well they
> to have a coin from Norway with the Fjord on it!! So of course I bought
> :-)  Not often you see that here in the states!
> after the festival went to the barn and found that Gustav had some real
> edemas on his stomach.   Looks like a bug /wasp got to him......we're
> keeping an eye on them.   Otherwise he was acting just like normal......
> Reena
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 09:30:16 -0400
> From: "Camptown Harness: David McWethy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: saddles
> This message is from: "Camptown Harness: David McWethy"
> I'll second Karen's comment on Laurie Neely.  Laurie has become a good
> friend, after meeting her online on the CD-L.  You'll get personal
> conscientious attention from her, and she knows her saddles.  I got my ski
> joering equipment from her.  I think Bill and Norma Coli will also give
> Laurie high reference points.
> Laurie Neely
> Tack Up!
> 41 E Main St
> Millers Falls MA 01349
> Customer Service is still alive!
> 1-888-726-6511
> http://WWW.TACK-UP.COM/
> Dave
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2002 19:48:00 -0700
> From: "Andy Mayberry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Shetlands
> This message is from: "Andy Mayberry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've been impressed with the collective knowledge of the list, from wolf
> teeth to the genetics of color, etc. I have another question, if someone
> could answer it or give me a good reference to read. How closely related
> the following breeds: Fjords, Shetlands, Icelands, Nordlandshest,
> Brittain's native ponies, Draft breeds? I've heard that all modern horses
> decended from a certain number (4?) of "wild breeds" three of which no
> longer exist in the wild and their characteristics can only be guessed at
> based on the conformation of horses in that area of the world (ie: Arabs
> draft breeds). If someone could please elaborate. Also, what is meant by
> "warmblood" breeds and "coldblood" breeds.
> Thanks,
> Andy
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2002 19:43:34 -0800
> From: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Shetlands
> This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Andy,
> Dr. Deb Bennett is the best source for this information She is a mammalian
> palentologist who has written many articles on the subject, one series
> especially for EQUUS magazine, and a book 'CONQUERORS,' mostly about the
> origins of the horses in North America but also covers the prehistoric
> breeds.  She, along with other experts, theorize that the ponies of the
> British Islands, as well as the Icelandic, Fjord, Nordlandhest and draft
> breeds descended mainly fromn what she calls the "protodraft branch.  Dr.
> Bennett has an excellent website with several article on the subject ans
> well as a wealth of other information.  She is also the author of a series
> of books on Conformation Analysis, originally published in Equus.Her
> The section on the evolution of the horse  especially:
> You can check out her publications (Including the articles in EQUUS):
> One in particular might answer your questions:
> Bennett, D.K. 1992. Origin and distribution of living breeds of the
> domestic horse, in: Horse Breeding and Management, World Animal Science
> Encyclopedia, Vol. C-7, J. Warren Evans, ed. Elsevier Publishing Co., New
> York, pp. 41-62.
> I Hope this helps get you started.
> Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, partly sunny and 56 Degrees today.  Lots of gld
> leaves.
>  >I have another question, if someone
> >could answer it or give me a good reference to read. How closely related
> >the following breeds: Fjords, Shetlands, Icelands, Nordlandshest,
> >Brittain's native ponies, Draft breeds?
> ************************************************************
> Jean Ernest
> Fairbanks, Alaska
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2002 14:08:57 +1000
> From: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Fjord stuff
> This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Lucky find, Reena!  I've seen the Irish horse coin done this way.  Would
> love to get a Fjord coin.
> Cheers!
> Karen
> and at one of the booths
> >they had coins from around the world which had the pictures (on the
> >cut out and made into a pendant....pretty cool looking!!!  Well they
> >to have a coin from Norway with the Fjord on it!! So of course I bought
> >:-)  Not often you see that here in the states!
> >
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 09:22:31 EDT
> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "Fjord Room"
> 9:00 pm to 10:00pm (Eastern Time)
> ------------------------------
> End of fjordhorse-digest V2002 #208
> ***********************************
> Back issues are available by sending the following message to
>     get fjordhorse-digest vNN.nMMM
> where "NN" is the volume number, and "MMM" is the issue number.

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