This message is from: "John Rooker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Vili, our one and only Fjord, just had two wolf teeth removed a week ago.  

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On 9/4/02 at 11:09 PM Cheryl Beillard wrote:

>This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hi all .. I have a question for everyone regarding the prevalence of wolf
>in the fjord population.  I have just had the vet check two horses (2 and
>3 yr
>old mares) and both have small wolf teeth erupting which I will have pulled
>before they are started this fall in their driving program.  This is the
>fjord (of 7) which have had these teeth and my vet seems to think that
>this is a
>high percentage?  So I'm wondering what the general experience has been
>the several hundred fjord owners/breeders on the List?  Do you check, and
>often have you found your horses to have them.  And do you have them
>Neither of the two trainers I use will accept a horse with wolf teeth ..
>re the fall coats .. of my 6, one 2 yr old and this year's foal, have both
>started to get their winter coats .. the others remain smooth and glossy. 
>would be interesting to know if they follow the same pattern, ie early or
>in shedding or growing coats, from year to year.
>One other minor brag, for the breed as a whole, .. the same foal --  which
>Jones and I have agreed to name Julie's Yggdrasil (Flotren x Bragda) - 4
>had to undergo vaccinations and a Coggins test this morning, for which he
>quite calmy (albeit with a bucket o of grain under his nose and someone
>his back) .. and the vet said she didn't believe that any other breed
>could be
>so easy to work with and so calm in response to this type of stress ..
>most of
>the babies she sees fly all over the stall at the first jab .. this boy
>has all
>of Bragda's spirit and then some, but clearly an equally strong does of
>sense and trust in us .. we were so proud of him and I know that if Julie
>up to reading the  List, she'd be proud of him too.  Watch out world, this
>going to be one nice horse when he grows up!

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