This message is from: bolinsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks everyone for your feedback on sweating Fjords, both through the list and off. Sounds like maybe Fjords just sweat less or show the sweat less. We rode today - a pretty good ride for us, we were out longer than usual because there was a breeze. Still hot but better than usual. The Fjords both came back 'sticky'; we came back looking like we had showered with our clothes on. :-)) They were both happy and alert and show no sign of distress either during or after the ride. They did like the cool water wash up afterwards. It seems like when I drive, Kilar sweats a lot more. Maybe because of the black harness rubbing everywhere? I always need to sponge him off after a drive, but rarely after a ride. We mostly just 'walk out' rather than do a lot of trotting when we ride. When we drive it is just the opposite. We'll keep an eye on them. They do get electrolytes in an 'electrolyte block' free choice. Like a salt block but with more in it. Kilar likes his a lot. He also likes Frida's. Frida just noses it around a little.

thanks again,
Martie in MD - still HOT but the breezes make it almost bearable. Now WHERE is that rain!!!
Debby Stai wrote:

Martie, I saw your post abut your fjords not sweating.  I have 2 fjords,
they don't sweat near as much as the QH, the TB or the Arab and one of
them sweats more than the other.  I also have a pony that has the
condition where he does not sweat, I can't think of the medical term.
He suffered terrbile enough last summer, which was a far worse summer

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