This message is from: Vivian Creigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning  Sara & Genio,

First I would like to thank you both so much for coming to VT and working so
hard at the trial. 

Now , the big question, I am about to put my entry in the mail for Fall
Gladstone. My dilemma is that Wesley will be taking SATS or ACTS that
weekend or she will be off looking at schools or she might be leading a trip
or who knows what. I desperately want to take "the girls" to Gladstone
because the hazards are just the most fabulous you will find in the US and
since it was the first CDE I  won, second I competed in, I have a real
softspot for the venue.

I need HELP!!!!! I realize it is a huge stretch that you would beable to
leave the farm for that length of time but I know you would be blown away by
Gladstone and I need some young athletic person hanging on the back keeping
me upright not to mention just keeping up with caring for the ponies.

Anyway give it some thought and let me know if it's a possibility. The date
s are October 9-13. I want to arrive as early on Wednesday as possible so I
can get right into the hazards and start walking. I believe Larry will be
showing there as well...

Thanks again for all your help. Vivian

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