This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just to set the record straight.... yes.  I got a bum deal on AI this year.  
No, the mare isn't pregnant.  Yes.  I learned an important lesson.  Contracts 
are a GOOD thing.  

But I am not soured on AI.  I do believe it can work and IS a viable 
alternative for breeding to good stallions that are not so close to home.  
There is a lady (who knows who she is) that I do indeed plan on going into an 
AI contract with maybe in the next year or two.  Her stallion is fabulous, 
and after talking to her, I am convinced even more than before that her 
ethics as a breeder are stellar. 

So please, those of you who are considering AI do not let my one lousy 
experience sour you.  Just learn from it, as did I.  Get your contracts in 
order, locked down, on just what is expected on both ends of the deal.  Know 
that the breeder is experienced in collection.  Use a GOOD repro vet.  KNOW 
that the stallion has sperm that is viable for shipping.  And hope that the 
Fertility Gods are on your side (that is a big one).  


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