This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hiya Ruthie,
Well girlfriend, I do have better fish to fry & horses to ride, so I agree, our arguements are running parallel anyway, so lets put this puppy to bed. It's getting old & stale and is heading way too far in the (wrong) direction, and the folks at the proverbial cyber coffee table are getting up and leaving....

However, as far as identifying me as an "antagonist" and a opportunistic self promoter (at your expense), I do beg to differ. (The self promotion jab is kind of funny to me, because usually I am criticised as being somewhat lacking in that dept ;~)I was just inserting my comments in the text of your post so as not to lose anybody, (or get lost myself!), and illustrating my arguement with examples should not be construed as self promotion, just anectdotal experience.

Lastly, (and it really is the last folks, believe me!)didn't this matter originally arise because somebody had a few young horses to send down the road, and needed to justify selling them to first time horsebuyers??
Do I detect any self promotion? OMG! :-O

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