This message is from: "Snowy Mtn." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Well Steve & company at the Nebraska equine show must have put on a
great performance. Steve asked for people to help put together a horses for
sale list. He has made a family in P.A  very happy as they just received 3
lovely, 3 year olds. All the way from B.C.  It is along way a way. the
horses took the travelling very well. the truck driver says they just ate,
picked his pockets,& most of all loved attention. Thank you Steve. There are
alot of people that want fjords and don't know where to find them.
    The first call I received from the show, a man wanted 10 mares.  WOW . I
put together a sales list with 10 mares (some that I didn't really want to
sell with outrageous prices)  He said he would take em all.
Happiness or sadness. To be honest I am so glad the cheque never did arrive.
Some fjords are worth more then all the money in the world. When I watch
Sylvia practice getting up and down the saddle all by herself at 5  and trot
around solo  on a horse Nicolena that totally adores her. I am more then
pleased to keep her and several others forever, these fjords give us the
greatest pleasure imaginable It is hard to put a price on this. My leason is
not to put a price on some.
Enjoy those fjords, we are the lucky ones
Lauren Sellars
Helena & Ester if you are still out there, check out the photo's Of Oscar on
my sales list, breeding you both should be proud of. Truely a smooth easy
canter on that boy.

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