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Hi Everyone!!

 Family and friends are so enjoying our little "Hasse".  We have had a steady 
stream of visitors.  Hasse has been well socialized to humans:)

With the heat of the summer approaching (90 and humid today) I want to body 
clip him.  Please don't laugh - but, I need to know if I run the clippers 
WITH the hair or against the hair?????  We have clipped ears, bridle paths, 
legs ......but never a body clip.  Thanks for your advice!

A cute fjord story:

We have had company for a week - one evening my sister-in-law and I were 
putting horses in for the night.  I routinely just open the back barn door, 
the horses file in and go to their stalls.  All goes well unless the first 
horse goes to the wrong stall - does not happen very often but when it does 
there is alot of commotion. 

This particular evening the lead horse went in the wrong stall, the other 
horses are now confused, plus, the goats got in (all 7 of them)!!!!!!!!!!  
Pandamonium!  Horses eating each others grain - goats jumping and leaping - 
horses going in and out of stalls.  My sister-in-law and I were laughing so 
hard we were almost....well, you know:):):)   When we finally got the horses 
where they belong and corraled up the goats we realized........."WHERE IS 
HASSE?????"  He was snug as a bug in SVEN'S stall, looking for the "bottle" 
and mom, Lena, was not the least bit concerned!!  Once again, sister-in-law 
and I laughed our heads off:)

Happy fjording!

Linda Lottie in Corcoran

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