This message is from: "Rick & Liz Leader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello to all,
We would like to add to the foal count.  Our stallion, Lukas, C795, BXB692S,
has given us 4 fillies and 1 colt this spring.  We believe this son born March
21st is a red dun.  He also has the blue, gray eyes without any black in his
mane or tail.  Time will tell what color he is.  The mare is Sara, C898,
BXBA930M.  He still remains nameless.

The fillies are all brown duns.  Brekka gave us her 14th foal, Brix.  Ella's
filly is Elise, Lilja's filly is Lukka and Erna's filly is nameless yet.

All are healthy and very entertaining.  We feel very fortunate for a
successful foaling season.

Rick & Liz
Leader Lane Fjords
Wingham, Ontario

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