This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wow! Lori you are really doing well with that horse and the years of training
you have invested are obviously paying off. I'm glad to hear that you feel there
is no breed predjudice out there as it may encourage others to do more in all
breed shows, whether dressage or otherwise.  Good on you .. and congratulations
for the arrival of another Cindy baby .. I'm sure he'll be a stunning addition
to your growing herd.  It does sound like the boys are winning this year ..
Bragda is due in early June but quite enormous now and carrying on the left
which someone tells me means it's a boy (not sure that these sorts of
predictions translate from people to horses, but there's a 50% chance they are

Just a note for all of you enjoying spring .. we had about 3 inches of wet snow
in the Ottawa Valley  this morning, now melted, but at 5 when I went out to
throw hay to the girls, we had hail .. and the temperature is just above zero.
The tulips and forsythia look very unhappy with the weather .. and so am I!

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