This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've never understood why easily catching a horse is such a big deal to some
folks. (is it a rejection thing? ha ha) A few years ago my instincts were
justified when I read that the more intelligent horse doesn't want to be
caught... he's saying, "bondage means business and I hate to sweat."
Those tips the other gal gave will help---  don't always catch them up first
off (and certainly never in a hurry, be nonchalant) and hiding the rope in
your shirt helps too. Giving the occasional treat reward along with catching
might motivate them too. And..... maybe just catch him, and then let him go!
or, catch him to feed him a time or two... keep him guessing =)) I'm sure
you'll have improvement with time and handling...... and good luck in your
Ruthie, nw mt

> Hi,
> I would really appreciate some help or suggestions from every one of you,
> you have the time. <.........> The
> problem is, whenever I go into his stall he turns and walks away from me
> I have to follow him around awhile before he lets me halter him.
 Thank you, Onna

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