This message is from: Janet McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

fjordhorse-digest wrote:

> This message is from: "Erik Cofield-Erixart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Janet,
> We have not spoken before, so my suggestions may be way off the mark for
> most folks, and of course I don't know your style or personality.  However,
> I am a Viking period historical expert.  Since Fjords were the war mounts of
> the Vikings and can be traced to selective breeding for more than 1000
> years, may I suggest a Viking inspired name?  There are many suggestions I
> could make that are hard to say, but here are a few more obvious:
> Rafneer (from Hrafnir, a horse owned by Swedish King Athils), Raven, Odin,
> Tor (not thor), Orman (pronounced urmahn), Hest (Norwegian for horse), and
> Borg.  If you want a full list, send me a private email.

Hi Erik,

thankyou very much.  this is the kind of help I need.  Yes I would be 
interested in a
full list if you have one.  thanks!


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