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Hi Deb,
I am getting my mare used to one too. She likes to wear it as I put a  hand 
full of grass in it when I first put it on her. But she is going to  take time 
to get used to it. Think it said to start them on short grass first to  learn.
Sorry I can't help more than that. Would love to hear from others that got  
theirs used to this muzzle.
In a message dated 4/18/2006 2:27:46 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

am in  Northwest Washington where pasture is lush, and have just started
with a  Best Friend grazing muzzle on my four year old gelding Henry. So far  
stands around looking unhappy, and paws in frustration, and nibbles a  little.
He is in his pen/stall area at night - no muzzle of course - and  gets a 
grain w vitamins, etc, plenty of hay.
So, feedback  about how long it takes to get used to the grazing muzzle, do
horses with  muzzles do ok if in with unmuzzled horses, and does this greatly
reduced  pasture intake need to be nutritionally balanced somehow that I'm  
thinking of - obviously the muzzle is a wonderful alternantive to being  kept
in, I just hope Henry gets it before he starves.
Deb Logan  in Bellingham, WA

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