This message is from: bolinsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    This is what we've found with our horses.  We give them a salt block 
in their stalls.  They have free access to the stalls almost 24/7 
(except when wh'ere cleaning out).  They eat a lot of salt for a while 
then taper off.  Warm weather - more salt.  I found that putting the 
salt right next to the water trough they were 'playing with' it more, 
but wasting it (biting off pieces and dropping them.  Kilar is a chewer 
- he bites his salt as often as licks it.)  He will occassionaly pick 
the smaller brick out of his feeder and I'll have to hunt for it, but 
not too often.

Martie in MD


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Research has shown that healthy horses are capable of safely 
> regulating their salt intake, although they are not able to do that 
> with other minerals.
> If Gunnar is healthy, he is probably just fine. It may be that he 
> really likes the taste of plain salt now that you've given it to him. 
> Mixed mineral blocks can inhibit healthy salt intake, because they can 
> taste bitter to horses. Most sources recommend always leaving plain 
> salt freely available to horses, even if you do feed a mixed mineral.
> In my experience, a horse may eat a lot of salt for awhile, but the 
> salt consumption will eventually slack off.
> DeeAnna

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