This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "Linda Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to try a Best Friends grazing muzzle on Boombah and would like advice
> as to size, Cob or Horse?

It's going to depend on the individual animal.

Rom is 14.1hh, and should wear a 5-3/8" bit (we make do with 5-1/2"
ones).  I bought a "horse" size Best Friends grazing muzzle for him,
which seems to do the job.  It may be a bit snug around the nose,
as he keeps rubbing off a bit of hair on the bridge of his nose.

Sleepy is 14.3hh, and should wear a 5-3/4" bit (we use a 6" with a set
of rubber bit guards).  I bought the "large horse" size for him, which
seems to be a decent fit.  Except, he got so frustrated with it that
he stood around and pawed at the turf, ripping big holes in it.  I
decided that giving him a shorter duration of pasture, without the
muzzle, would be easier on all concerned.

BTW, Sleepy (the subordinate) likes the fact that Rom (the dominant)
is muzzled on pasture.  It means that Sleepy can eat wherever he wants
to, because Rom can no longer nip him to "take over" the best grass!
And, I find the donkey's grazing muzzle to be useful if I want to take
her for a walk around the pasture without getting my arm ripped off,
due to grass diving....

Anyway, unless Boombah is unusually "petite" for a Fjord, I suspect
that a "Horse" size would be better than "Cob".  I did my size
estimation by "matching" the muzzle sizes to the sizes of halters that
the individuals wear.

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

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