This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Laurie,
    Across the lake and down a road that Braveheart and I like to ride/drive 
on, there is a llama ranch/farm/factory/on-going convention.  The first time 
BH saw them he was in harness (that wouldn't have been my first choice of an 
introductory outfit).  He got suddenly taller and came up with some really loud 
blowing and snorts which startled them from stationary llamas to running 
llamas.  That seemed to satisfy him along with me getting really active with my 
voice and the reins.  My beloved trainer, the long-suffering Melissa, is always 
telling me that they should be more worried about you than they are about 
anything else around them.  Anyhow, we trotted on and he just gave them a 
glance on the way back. I'll bet Oz won't mind them at all once the novelty has 
worn off.  
    So, what color are your llamas?  Are they friendly?  I've heard that they 
can have some personality issues but then again I've heard that Fjords are 
stubborn and stupid too so that could just be idle gossip.  Have you named 
 Are you going to take llama-shearing lessons?  Will your sainted spouse be 
getting you carding combs and a spinning wheel for Christmas?
    Keep us posted!

and Braveheart, who believes that llamas are really fat deer
and Clementine, who doesn't care as long as they keep off her grass.

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