This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: "Beth Pulsifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Being new here... I'd be interested to know Hostar's story.
His story is a long one - I will try to give you the condensed version -

Hostar is 19 years old - he was imported by Pat Wolfe when he was a weanling
after taking first out of 51 weanings in Holland.
Over time and for many different owners - he earned his keep, so to speak
with many championships in conformation, driving, CDE's and endurance.
He was put thru a Dutch Kuering and received an AA in riding, A in Draft and
an A in driving and reportably no score was under 8.5...... and received his
Prestati Hengst   -  translated into the American Evaluation system that
would make him the highest scored individual in North America.

About three years ago Hostar was purchased by an individual whom due to his
intense work schedule was unable to keep him worked - and so Hostar went
into a sort of retirement, allowed to roam happily with his mares and foals,
for some horses this is a good thing - but lets just say he got too happy -
and gained weight on our lush Midwest pastures - far more weight than was
healthy. A major problem many of us face with our Fjords.

After a long road, of slow come back and commitment by Melinda Springs,
Hostar is back and more beautiful than ever. He is BEAUTIFUL....

I am so very proud to be able to present this horse again to the public
because I think he earned it - he earned the right by virtue of his
history - and all that he has done and can do. He does not deserve to be
forgotten - he is one of a kind, and in my opinion a great, great horse.

He became known as "The Legend"  many years ago - just about everyone who
has been involved with this breed for any length of time knows of Hostar -
and it seemed a shame that he would end his career as it appeared he was
headed. With Melinda and myself we've brought him back and every step was
worth it - as all of you will see the results at the 25th Anniversary in
Winona.  He will also be at Blue Earth and if my schedule allows Libby as
well. We just came back from The Midwest Horse Fair for four days and as I
noted in an earlier post, he and I got thru the event just fine.

I am hand breeding and collecting cooled  now to just about a closed book, I
may be able to get another mare in - and we will be freezing  semen this
year as well.

Pat Holland

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