This message is from: "Beaver Dam Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia ----
Several of this year's consignment horses have already arrived at Beaver Dam
Farm, and one of them is our new Feature of the Week. -- Her name is
YSBET of Narnia, and she is one gorgeous young mare. -- She'll be four
years the end of June. -- Ysbet is an outstanding offering. We're proud
to represent her.
Ysbet's pedigree is absolutely top of the line. -- She's sired by the
beautiful Ronaldo, now owned by Cindy & Mike Bickman in Atlanta, GA. He's
being competed at rated dressage shows in 2nd Level Musical Freestyle, and
the results have been very satisfying. -- Ronaldo was gelded a couple of
years ago as his owners wanted to get out of the business of breeding. And
after gelding they sent him to us on consignment sale. -- He was one of
the most impressive horses we've ever had on the farm. -- Very dark in
color with a black forelock and tail. His head and eyes were gorgeous, but
it was his conformation and movement that took your breath away. -- One
high-level trainer said she'd never seen a Fjord with such an expresseve,
easy canter. -- We were all delighted that Cindy decided to take him to
Atlanta to compete in dressage.
Ronaldo was sired by the ELITE STALLION, Tunar, who was sired by the ELITE
STALLION, Rei-Halsnaes. -- I was looking at Ysbet's pedigree yesterday,
and if memory serves me right, there are at least three Elite Stallions in
the pedigree, plus an Elite Mare. -- That's about as good as it gets.
Ysbet's dam, Rifona, is a mare imported from Holland sired by the grey
stallion, Briggen. Briggen is the sire of our best driving school horse,
Saskia. We also had Rifona here on consignment sale and found her to be as
beautiful in her temperament as she was on the outside. --- An extremely
quiet, nice mare.
Physically, Ysbet is built right. -- She most definitely has the
sought-after "uphill" build. -- Her conformation is really wonderful, as
you'll see on our Feature of the Week. --
Her movement is what you'd expect looking at her conformation. --
Terrific! -- The photos we show on our Feature of the Week were taken
yesterday, only four days after she arrived from British Columbia -- a
week long trip.
Ysbet's temperament is as good as her conformation and movement. -- She's
a lovely mare with nothing but good will towards her rider and handlers.
Ysbet's training - She has had very good handling since birth. -- We give
her high marks for manners. -- She's had good riding training with an
excellent dressage rider/trainer on the west coast. -- We've had other
horses this woman has trained, including Ronaldo, and she does a fine job
with the Fjordhorses. She teaches them to go forward energetically, and to
stop on command. -- Isn't that nice? -- It's great!
So, if you're interested in nice quality and athletic Fjords, take a look at
Ysbet of Narnia on the Feature of the Week on our website
Kind Regards, Carol Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II, Ltd.
Phone: 902-386-2304 Fax: 902-386-2149
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