This message is from: Starfire Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everyone,

I sent this to the list yesterday, but didn't see it posted yet, so am re-sending it from our personal e-mail address rather than the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address.

It sounds like the Spring Issue of the Fjord Herald is making its way to you. Some have already received it. It will be coming in a large white envelope, including the 2006 NFHR Membership Roster and Breeder's List, so keep your eyes peeled.

I know it probably feels like it's a bit early to be thinking about this, but the next deadline for the Fjord Herald is June 1st, less than a month away. Sandy and I have a couple of trips scheduled during this time, so please, please, feel free to get your submissions (ads, articles, photos) in to us early, if at all possible!

The summer issue will be the last issue to come out prior to the 25th Anniversary celebration in Winona, so if you are planning to submit an ad or article for this particular issue, now is the time. Especially since we like to search for and/or create graphics to go along with the articles.

Thanks for all of your previous submissions and your support of the Fjord Herald.


Beth and Sandy

p.s. if you are "digitally challenged" we are happy to help you out, so don't let your lack of electronic efficiency or expertise keep you from making submissions!

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