This message is from: "Green Valley Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There have been some interesting discussions about bits in the last few digest issues.

The NFHR Evaluation Program is a work in progress and is always open to discussion and revision. The question of bits were discussed by the Evaluation Committee in depth in late 2004 and in 2005 the rules were NOT changed but pictures and better descriptions were added to the handbook and the Technical Delegate checkes bits before horses entered
the arena for the test. Knowledgable members like Anne Appleby, Gayle Ware,
Brian Jensen and all of the Evaluators and members of the Evaluation Committee
decided to keep the bit rules as they had been.

In the NFHR Performance English riding tests only a snaffle is permitted and eleven types of snaffles are described. In the Introductory Western test only a bosal or snaffle are permitted. In the Advanced Western test all shank bits used must meet standards for legal bits as per USA Equestrian guidelines. All horses shown in curb bits must be ridden with one hand on reins.

I would like to correct a few errors in Ardeth Abenauf's post.
The Evaluation Committee (Mike May, Phil Odden  & Sophie Fiedler )
never received a letter from Ardeth.  I also talked to Wayne Hipsley today
and he said there must have been a misunderstanding because he supports the
use of the snaffle only for the English Performance tests.

In the past four years the Evaluation Committee has only receives three written letters with questions or complaints and it is our policy to always acknowledge a letter. It might take awhile for the committee to research the problem and get advise from
evaluators or other experts but your questions will be answered.

The evaluation Committee will be meeting on May 23
and the issue of bits will be on the agenda.

Sophie Fiedler

Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 21:30:43 -0400
From: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bits--mylar and otherwise

This message is from: Ardeth Obenauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'm glad the question of why only snaffle bits are allowed for the
English riding performance tests at evaluations has come up. It is
something my trainer and I have been trying to figure out and have
struggled with in our training. Last year at the evaluation in
LaCrosse, we posed this question to the members of the evaluation
committee and asked why fjords, which are by nature very strong and
well muscled horses, are asked to perform tests with only a snaffle
bit. The only answer we got was that dressage people had influenced
the decision by saying using other bits opened up the possibiity of

We polled other trainers/owners and Wayne Hipsley, the chief
evaluator, and all were in agreement that other bits should be
allowed--that the bit component of the rules needed to be
re-evaluated--especially for the advanced tests. After all, other bits
are allowed in driving and the western tests.

We were told to put our thoughts in writing, and so my trainer sent a
letter to the committee right after we got home, detailing the
situation and why she felt there was a need for a change.

She never got a response to her letter, the minutes of the committee
meeting show no record that it was discussed. I hate to drop it
completely, but I don't know how else to approach the topic. Anyone
have any ideas?

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