This message is from: "Beaver Dam Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia --

Where we have only five more days until our "Opening" for the 15th Season of Nova Scotia Riding & Driving Vacations -- Arthur and I, Jaimie, Kelly, and our on-site tech man, Warren, have all got "To Do Lists" pinned to our shirts.

And our mare, Holly, still hasn't foaled. But, I came across a name last night that "might" do if she foals a filly. -- I took our interns to a recital of the Antigonish Creative Dance Association, and there was a beautiful girl on the stage named Xandi Capistrano -- Isn't that a name for you? -- She's a high school girl in Antigonish, and that's not a stage name.

I wanted to respond to . . .

This message is from: Beverly Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
As I stated in my first post just my opinion, but just think
if Carol were to put her ads in the local paper or Equine Journal or
Horseman's Pedlar she would be broke after the first month!  >


We do advertise in those publications plus a lot of others, and we've managed to stay afloat -- not broke in the first month. -- Once in a while there are other Fjord breeders who advertise with us in these magazines and newspaper --- But, not often. Mostly, it's just us --- Beaver Dam Farm.


As to the difference in price of the mare, Valena, on the Sale Page of our website and my sales list on the Digest. -- I apologise for that. -- The problem was that the website Sale Page hadn't been updated. -- Definitely, our fault. ---I'd like to explain how we price our horses, although it's not an easy subject, and I might, once again, be guilty of "wordiness". -- But first, let me say a word on that subject. -- In print, I AM wordy! I can't help myself. I've always liked to write, ever since I was 12, and I've always used five words, where three might have done the job. -- My stepfather used to call me "The Queen of adjectives".

Back to the lovely mare, Valena. -- When she first arrived at our farm, we priced what we saw which was a very good looking mare with a great edigree. -- But then, we started working with her and realized that she has an exceptional temperament and attitude. -- Yes, Fjords are generally a gentle breed, but it's a big mistake for people to think that they're all gentle, brave, and easy to handle. After 27 years, I can tell you that it's just not true! -- There are some Fjords that are timid -- and those horses will often get you into trouble. -- There are Fjords that are stubborn and pushy, and these are unpleasant and not easy to work with. -- Then there are the Fjords that have been spoiled through poor early handling and training. Those can be unpleasant and dangerous!

Why are most people attracted to Fjords? It's their temperament. Most everybody knows that. It's the breed's most famous characteristic. And while most Fjords might be better in that area than most other breeds, it is one BIG GENERALITY to say they're all like that. -- Not all Fjords are quiet and generous, calm and sensible. --

Valena is all this and more. -- After we'd had her at Beaver Dam Farm for a month or so, and got to know her well, .... That's when her price changed. -- For the right person, this mare's exceptionally calm, accepting temperament is absolutely priceless. -- Everybody should know that no horse is completely "bombproof", and every horse has the potential to hurt you. . . . Yes, we all should know and remember that. -- So, when you come across a mare as gentle as Valena, you just have to recognize how special she is, and if you're in the business of selling Fjords, then that horse must be priced to reflect her unique qualities.

When a horse arrives at the farm for consignment sale, we usually price him fairly low. -- And we'll stick to this price for anybody who buys him in the first month. We'll stick with it even if the horse has proven himself to be worth more. -- We never want to have to go down in price, so these initial prices are lower than we expect the horse to eventually sell for.

Well, I'll limit my part of this discussion as I have much too much to do to write more.

Kind Regards,  Carol Rivoire

Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II, Ltd.
Phone: 902-386-2304  Fax: 902-386-2149
"Raised by the Sea in Health and Tranquility"

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