This message is from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oregon Fjord Club is busy stuffing envelopes to get a mailing out to all
2006 NFHR members. If you are not on the current roster and want an
announcement from the Oregon Fjord Club as to the 2006 Foal Raffle (filly
this year), Fjord Christmas Cards,  a current sales list, and a special
announcement form OFC about the NFH Foundation Silent Auction, please email
me directly with your name, address, city, state & Zip code. We will address
one just for you. 


For those of you that are NFHR members and are on the rooster list, please
look for your announcement letter in the mail soon. Thank you.


Catherine Lassesen



Oregon Fjord Club

c/o Amy Evers

260 May Creek Road

Days Creek, OR 97429

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