This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sunday, July 2, 2006, you wrote:

>> I know that would be a tremendous undertaking, because it would
>> require coordinating all registry's studbooks, but that's the
>> reason I propose it should be a project undertaken by the FHI.

> The only way I see it ever happening is if all of the world's
> registries were able to upload their own new horses as they are
> foaled. Even at that it would take a great deal of coordination of
> effort to get it to a usable state.

  I don't know for a fact, but I really can't imagine that any
  registry is still keeping its data on paper. If that is the case,
  once the combined database was built it would be simple for the
  various registries to submit new additions using a common format.

Steve McIlree - Pferd, Skipper & Clust - Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 Horses carry the history of mankind on their backs. If you should
 find one is carrying you as well, acknowledge your good fortune and
 indeed your honor. --Lucinda Prior Palmer(b. 1953)

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