This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,
First I'd like to thank everyone who is supporting this years Blue Earth show, as of this date we have 83 horses coming and I am still getting a few stragglers in with entries. Despite thoughts that it'll be a small show, it appears we will be within the number we usually have on normal years. Last year we were closer to the 140 horse range, but that was out 20th Anniversary.

It's going to be another great year and again I want to mention what beautiful trophies we have this year....the cherry wood boxes and steins are really unique. I ordered extra steins, so later after the show if anyone would like to purchase one, as a keepsake - you can do so. See me at Blue Earth or contact me privately. I can email a picture of the trophies to you for you too look at. I am also offering the original picture I drew for the trophies for sale to the highest bidder - at the Midwest Fjord Horse Club meeting/dinner Sunday evening at Blue Earth. The money received from the picture will go to the MWFHC.

On another note - when I first learned what an evaluation did and was used for, I too wished the old QH industry had gone in that direction. It is a wonderful tool and might have prevented some of the current issues in the QH industry. So much of the success & popularity of certain Quarter Horses and bloodlines were determined thru show placement and politics. But within the QH world there were many very dedicated breeders, some founders of AQHA that tried to hold and preserve what the QH originally was - sometimes I think if an evaluation system were in place 20 -30 years ago in AQHA, those breeders would have embraced the concept and the current QH might be a different horse today.

See you all in Blue Earth.soon!
Pat Holland.

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