This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All Again-

If you want to see a great picture.... go to click on "Events Online" and then go to the Columbus Carriage Classic and then go to the Friday event day - and THEN go to page 11.

You will see Michael Scott (remember Michael and his & Betsy's great Miss Naveta) .... navigating the bridge in the Town & Country drive.......he is showing a grey Welsh X and she is literally flying over the is unreal - what a testament to a great team, driver and nerves of steel! ... you go Michael!

By the way...Michael then went on to take the Maiden Division Championship with the "airs above the ground mare".....

You never know what these great equine friends of ours can Red Green says: " we're all in this together".
Great job Michael.

Such FUN!
Pat Holland

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