This message is from: CHERYL GARNICA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Silly question maybe, but here goes.  When training to drive, is the newbie 
horse always paired as team with experienced partner?   Or can they be hooked 
up single from the start? (after training)

There are pics of my fjord on breeders website hitched as a team.  I would 
think a green horse would go with the flow of the team (of course, having 
training prior). so I'm not sure how well trained he is....I got him at age 4 
(horse age that is!)

When I bought him, the gal sent me pic of him pulling (wrong term I'm sure) 
alone a sled type thing in snow, and appeared to be going very well.  Good 
verbal whoa, but green under saddle.  Maybe he likes driving better, hear 
horses often favor one over the other.

I'm not going to run out and drive, holding on to saddle until I can't climb up 
anymore...but the thought  is intriguing.  The mini thing....sounds I was wrong 
thinking more easily controlled.
Cheryl in S. Cal

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