This message is from: Robin Churchill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The heat and humidity starts here at the end of May
and doesn't let up until the end of October.  The low
temp overnight is usually in the 70's.  I usually ride
early am because and although it is cooler then also
more humid but evening is very unreliable due to
almost daily thunderstorms.  We cope by giving the
horses some gatorade, hosing them and sometimes
spritzing them with a mixture of green alcohol and
water prior to riding.  Also lots of walk breaks and
hosing and gatorade after the ride. They also get
Summer Games Electrolytes which were developed I
believe for the Olympics when they were in Atlanta. 
They are highly recommended by the vets down here.

Robin in Sanibel, Florida 

--- Sarah Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: Sarah Clarke
> We're having an unusually long and humid heat wave
> in Jamul (25 miles east and 1,000 ft higher in
> eleavation from San Diego airport).  My outside air
> temperature (sending unit located under a tree in
> the shade) is 103 and climbing as I write.   Usually
> in the summer I ride at first light and it's about
> 65, but this morning it was already 80 degrees and
> sauna like.
>   How do you folks who live in normally hot and
> humid summer climates cope? 
>   wilting Sarah in Jamul
> ---------------------------------
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