This message is from: "Olivia Farm, Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Olivia Farm!
  I wanted to mention once again, that our web-site has a page devoted to the 
genetics of Fjord colors, if any-one is still having difficulties with it.  
Also, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
  For Jean and any-one else interested in doing more pedigree research in 
Norway and Denmark I'll try to give you some help.  
  The link to the Norwegian on-line pedigree search is:  
  Just click on Fjordhest and type in the horse you are interested in - then 
you can get the scores and offspring and also find the pedigree by clicking on 
STAMTAVLE  in the upper right hand corner.  Unfortunately you can't look up by 
color, owner, etc. like we do with the pony-web, but you can follow pedigrees 
back and forwards.  The scores in Norway are always in the following order:  
type, body, legs, movement, overall, temperament, get (the last two only on 
stallions).  H stands for hingst (stallion), hp stands for hoppe (mare), v 
stands for "vallak" (gelding), u is "out of", and e is "by".  
  On the Danish site,, you can look at the approved breeding 
stallions, their scores, and pedigrees.  To do any more, you have to get a 
personal code, and speak a bit of Danish.  By clicking on the British flag you 
can get a lot of information in English, or click on the Danish flag for the 
whole sight - then look for AVLSHINGSTE (breeding stallions).  The scores are 
always in this order:  type, head/neck, shoulder/wither, back/croup, fore legs, 
hind legs, walk, trot, canter, overall or GI.
  While we are on the subject of pedigrees and color, I would like to mention 
that I have put two greys on my "for-sale" page.  Both are by Norwegian import 
stallions and very high quality.  Evy is a two year old filly by Smedsmo Graen 
and Hans is a weanling colt by Prydarson.  I also have an Erlend daughter for 
sale, who carries the grey-recessive gene from her father, she is out of a 
Norwegian import mare.  If any-one is looking for top-notch breeding stock with 
color, please take a look at
  Have fun researching, and let me know if you need any translations!
  Solveig Watanabe
  Olivia Farm

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