This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/27/2006 5:09:13 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

quick.  Out of 200 hours riding, I would guess 180 are  in the arena, 
little  exposure to trails.  I would like to take  him on trails rides, but  
with how spooky he can be of the  unexpected. I took him to a  Parelli 
desensitizing clinic last Saturday  with great success and  then Tuesday took 
him to a 
trainer that has been  using Parelli  techniques for 10 years and he has an 
excellent reputation.  He feels  the spooky is something that can be fixed. 
he has had him,  he  told me that he does much better if his forelock is 
braided, that he   feels it interferes with his vision. What do those of you 
that   have Fjords with a heavy forelock. Do you think it interferes with  
and as a result they become frightened of the unexpected,  more so that a  
Fjord without the long heavy forelock.  If you  agree, is there any  other 
ways of 
handling this without braids, and  I really don't want  to cut that beautiful 
forelock. Thanks,   Onna

HI Onna,
I know a few Icelandic's that have this problem for the first couple of  
years of training. 
Granted they are not a Fjord but same issue.
The New Icelandic mare I have will need her very heavy forelock put up for  
A braid works need to cut his forelock. Could also try a  couple 
of those "cloth covered elastic scrunchie" things you can buy at  walmart for 
putting up little girls pony tails.
Sounds like you found a good trainer that knows what they are doing.

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