This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


This is hard to believe, but last night we learned that our web provider has been purchased, and our new new web address is . Weird.

I left a phone message re: our ad for the next Herald, but I will include it here, too. My question is - I created the ad using the same 3 photos I used in the last ad. Do you have those on file, and, if so, can I just send the ad indicating where the pictures go [I did this with Sally] and have you insert the pictures? Or do I need to send the full ad? It is a full-page color ad.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Starfire Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:09 PM
Subject: Fjord Herald - Summer and Fall Issues

This message is from: Starfire Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Several people have contacted us asking where their Fjord Herald is.....

I can't say for sure, but it should be in your mailboxes soon. We (the production team) knew it was going to be a little late, because we were a couple weeks late getting it to the printer. But then, as Murphy's Law would dictate, the printer had a problem during the printing too and had to re-run the cover. We're very sorry for the delay, and expect the next issue to be back on track.

Peaking of that..... The submission deadline for the Fall issue is just a couple weeks away (September 1st). The Fall issue has traditionally been the Foal Issue and we encourage everyone to submit photos (these days it is often high resolution digital images) of your foals. Please identify the images clearly and provide ownership and breeding information for each foal. We always welcome photos of "What you've done with your Fjord....lately" too. Again, please include a description of the photo (and any photo credit information). PLEASE check with the photographer (especially any professionally taken photos!!!!) and get their permission before you submit a photo.

And, put those finishing touches on your articles and get them submitted as well. I know everyone has been busy with their Fjords -- take a few minutes and share some of your adventrues with fellow Fjord owners.

As always, if you have any comments, suggestions or questions (or help with creating an Ad), don't hesitate to contact us. You can use our personal Email address or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for all the wonderful support,

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