This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Well, it was only 4 1/2 hours at the vet today, better than the 6 two days
ago. We have some definitive results. His old stifle injury incurred when he
was a young horse-about-town and still pasture breeding. [We bring them to him
He also has some arthritis there and in his left front pastern [coffin]. For
this, he was given a 3 steroid shots and something called Legend. [He already
is one, so I don't understand the need for that....]

They are still sleuthing the airways problem, and continuing the broad
spectrum antibiotic. He will be given oral Bute twice daily for 5 days, then
once for 5 more days. We should have the results of today's lung exam soon.
Mel and Dean Thomas were kind enough to keep me company. Mel, who runs
Therapeutic Riding Programs and has known Erlend for 7 years, lent her
excellent info. She was very helpful, but then she always is.

Thanks again for all your support.

Peg Knutsen

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