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Well, the Herald has not darkened my mailbox in Virginia, either.  It's 
getting annoying when the official magazine of the organization can't be 
or mailed in a timely manner.  I hate sounding like a cranky person (maybe all 
the barn cleaning for the Virginia Fjord Fjestival is taking its toll) but 
the deadline for ads, etc. was JUNE 1.  

I'd also like to point out that the lateness of the Herald is a real 
disservice to advertisers and I am one of them.  I know I am not alone.  The 
Herald is 
supported by advertising revenue.  Do we advertisers get a discount when the 
Herald is late?  I have a stallion ad which may have generated some interest 
in June, but is less likely to in September.  I really think that all the 
advertisers are owed at minimum an apology.

Personally, I would prefer to have the Herald electronically.  Since a .pdf 
file is generated to produce the magazine, why can't NFHR members get an 
electronic version if they so desire?  It would save on the costs of printing, 
postage and reduce aggravation of having the Herald appear like Brigadoon in 
mists.  I work for a tiny nonprofit association and we have no problem getting 
quarterly publication out on time, every time. 

My rant is over and I now will return to preparing the farm for the Virginia 
Fjord Fjestival.

Margaret A. Bogie
Ironwood Farm
Rixeyville, VA

***Virginia Fjord Fjestival, Sunday, September 10th, 1 - 5 p.m., sale horses, 
demos and refreshments!***

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