This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings to all PNFPG members from Warren and Sylvia Riddle, Teddy
Bear Fjords. The following motion will be presented for a vote at
the November 4 PNFPG meeting in Yakima WA:

That the September 2007 International Fjord Show, sponsored by
PNFPG, shall be held at the Grant County Fairgrounds in Moses Lake,

As members, not officers of PNFPG, we, Warren and Sylvia Riddle,
will bring this proposed motion before the members for discussion
and vote. PNFPG meets only twice yearly to conduct business. At
these business meetings absentee votes are not permissible under
PNFPG By-laws. Warren>>>

THAT sounds irregular? most bylaws make provision for a total
membership vote on any kind of significant departation from the state
of bylaw origin. Certainly the state level guideline for incorporating
would include this provision, because many states frown on conflicted
corporation takeovers, and might not this appear to be? (with only a
minimal vote)

In any case, provision or no, it only seems fair and upright in a
proposal of this magnitude, to include the entire membership in the
decision. Not doing so could lend the appearance of rank piracy, and
ruffle many feathers.

The rise and fall of successful shows have a delicate balance that can
be easily tipped, we just attended the annual Sandpoint ID Draft horse
show and were dismayed to find it only a quarter the size of a few
years ago! Not sure why, someone suggested increasing ingrown
management (no outreach). It seemed like many regular show horse
participants were there, but not near the exhibitors nor the

When it comes to making sudden MAJOR changes in a show, we should
perhaps proceed with discretionary caution and some careful planning.
I suggest research into other horse shows that have made bold moves,
and additionally garnering the majority support of the ENTIRE

Ruthie, nw mt US

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